@ S. Malaisse
Laeken is not an independent commune with its own city council but forms part of the city of Brussels. Laeken is thus not governed by an autonomous city administration.
To contact the administration online, please use the e-desk.
Laeken however offers via the liaison office Laeken an administrative service that enables citizens to settle a great deal of their administrative matters without needing to go to the city centre.
The following procedures can be carried out in Laeken and certain acts and documents can be obtained here:
For more practical information, click here.
To get to the Liaison office Laeken
Attention: Laeken.Brussels ASBL is a citizens initiative and not an administrative service of Brussels. We can thus not respond to your administrative questions.
The Bockstael district contract is the 15th district contract of the City of Brussels.
New infrastructure and public space projects as well as socio-economic activities (housing, education and employment, youth, environment and culture) are presented in the base file.
The elaboration of this program relies on a participatory process in which local residents, users and associations from the neighbourhood are brought together by establishing a District Commission, organising general meetings and working groups.
April 24, 2020
To support our local shops, we’ve put together this non-exhaustive list : Shopping areas Bockstael Houba De Strooper Tour & Taxis De Wand Copies Edi-print (on appointment) Drinks (delivery) En Stoemelings Fermenthings La Source Beer co. Food (delivery) Lili bulk Lily’s Granola Gardening & Flowers (delivery) L’Hortensia Skyfarms VVM Bloemen Home (delivery) Passe–vite Steylemans Restaurants […]
Read moreDecember 24, 2019
Season’s Greetings! And best wishes for the New Year.
Read moreMay 12, 2019
Don’t say BYRRH, say BE-HERE! The former distribution centre of the renowned French aperitif BYRRH, which was abandoned for several decades, has been completely renovated to open up to the neighborhood and to become what the inhabitants have been longing for: an organic market and a hub for artistic workshops and sustainable production. In short, […]
Read moreMay 9, 2019
Impressions de la 18ième édition sous la pluie, sous le soleil et toujours dans la bonne humeur! Merci à toutes et à tous qui ont contribué à ce beau moment sur le Parvis, que ce soit en tant qu’exposants, organisateurs ou visiteurs. Votre sourire et votre énergie rayonnent dans le quartier. Un tout grand merci […]
Read moreFebruary 27, 2019
Reeds vorig jaar vroeg Laeken.Brussels in een open brief aan de NMBS, Infrabel en een aantal Schepenen om actie te ondernemen voor een veilig en aantrekkelijk station Bockstael. Er werd gevraagd om het station proper te maken en het te onderhouden. Er werd gevraagd om de sociale controle aan te scherpen via kleine uitstallingen/kiosken. Er werd […]
Read moreSeptember 29, 2018
Dans le cadre des élections communales du 14 octobre 2018, Laeken.Brussels ASBL/VZW interroge chaque semaine les habitants de Laeken via une série de « QUESTIONS AUX LAEKENOIS » posées via sa page Facebook. Nous leur avons ainsi demandé quelles étaient pour eux les thématiques les plus importantes dans la perspective du prochain scrutin communal. Voici le classement des thématiques […]
Read moreSeptember 16, 2018
Curious minds from Laeken and elsewhere had the opportunity during the Heritage days 2018 to visit the works going on at the BYRRH site, previously center of distribution of this South-French aperitif. Currently under renovation and scheduled to be ready in 2019, the site is to become a hub for various workshops and… a long […]
Read moreSeptember 8, 2018
Samedi: Braderie Rue Marie-Christine Les commerçants de la rue Marie-Christine invitent à leur braderie ce samedi et dimanche. Atomium Park Festival • Deep in House Free Open Air 3 stages free festival to celebrate the Atomium 60th anniversary all weekend long. Dimanche: Braderie Rue Marie-Christine Les commerçants de la rue Marie-Christine invite à leur braderie […]
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